Thursday 6 February 2014

Are you a Produser?

The word Produser comes from a merging of the terms ‘producer’ meaning creator or developer and user. Podusage is the act of ‘produsing’ loosely meaning creating content for distribution through the internet, eg: blogs, Wikis, gaming and other social media. These Produsers use these mediums to produce new material or characters, or to manipulate content already on sites to enhance their viewpoint for viewing in the public sphere.
                                                                (, 2007)

Produsage has four main principles “conditions of probabilistic and equipotential contribution, and granular and shared content(, 2007).

We can break this down into open participation and communal evaluation which allows produsers to participate in discussions and evaluate the content. Fluid Heterarchy, assumes that users skills, abilities and opinions differ, but all users can make an equal contribution to the content. Ad Hoc Meritocracy means that while there are leaders of the project or sections of it, there leadership is shared or diminished. The leadership is determined through evaluation by other produsers in the ‘virtual community’. (, 2007)
Here is a clip that has been enhanced by a Produser, he has added only music and effects to the original material
                                                                 (Black Sun, 2013)

Unfinished Artefacts, Continuing Process this means essentially the project does not finish, but continually evolves through the imput of produsers in the community. While this can produce some negative imput into the project, this is kept to a minimum as the negative posters tend to be looked down upon within the community and their future posts are viewed with cynicism.

Common Property and Individual Rewards enables content to be available to all contributors and although it is a communal project individuals get merit for their contribution.
                                                                (Libertarian, 2013)

Produsage is not without legal and moral implications as when information is in the public sphere some produsers assume that it is free to replicate. There are copyright issues that need to be observed when reusing or manipulating other people’s material. Lessig believes that the copyright laws that were written need to be adapted to properly reflect the digital world. (Lessig, 2005)

Produsage fits well with Jenkins views on participatory culture as both encourage collaborating, valuing the works of others and sharing of ideas and information. Jenkins is also an advocate of digital media which is also the medium for produsage. (Jenkins, 2006)


I think produsage will become increasingly popular in the future as it allows like minded and creative people to collaborate on projects that are passionate about. I might even get into it myself.

Are you a produser?

What is your main reason for participating in this culture?

Jenkins, H., 2006. Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 8 January 2014].

Lessig, L., 2005. Analog copyright laws in a digital world. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 4 February 2014]., 2007. Produsage: Key Principles. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2 February 2014].

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheridan. I definitely agree with you about the risks of copyrighting issues that are linked with produsage. Last month my dad posted a GoPro clip he'd made on YouTube featuring Vance Joy's 'Riptide', and within the hour it was pulled due to copyright infringement. I guess copyright laws are often not something you even consider until you have a personal experience with breaking them! Personally, I don't consider myself a produser but I agree with you that it allows like minded creative people to collaborate - maybe I will get amongst it too. You right really well, and have posted some great thought provoking questions. Cheers, Meg
