Friday 29 November 2013

How do you interact with social media?


The vast majority of people in the western world carry at least one mobile devise, be it a mobile phone, laptop, Ipad or tablet, some people have more than one device with them at all times.

Sure these devices give us opportunity to be connected at all times with a wide and diverse range of people from around the globe, but is it inhibiting our enjoyment of ‘real’ experiences?  The study conducted by Przybylski & Weinstein indicates that the presence of a mobile phone reduced empathy, closeness, trust and understanding. The debriefing of the participants revealed that they were unaware that these effects were occuring (Przybylski & Weinstein, 2013).


It could be argued that we are becoming Cyborgs as suggested by Donna Haraway’s theory, not in the literal sense, but mobile devices are becoming part of who we are. Amber Case in her studies on Cyborg Anthropothogy indicates that the internet can be viewed as an organic structure and that it compliments us as human beings, therefore we are connected to the technology. The concern is that as everything is instantaneous people will be busy dealing with all the messages and media received on the devices that they will fail to reflect on who they actually are both in the ‘real world’ and in ‘cyber space’ (Case, 2010).  


Mobile devices allow certain anonymity, so people tend to ‘post’ or ‘text’ words and images they would not usually say to a person’s face or display publicly in their home. Social media makes these instant and non-retractable and allows many people to view the messages, not just the intended recipient.  People can unintentionally become a ‘Cyber-bully’ by not considering the information they post. According to world-wide research cyber-bullies are more likely to be girls who found it easier to be themselves online, they also engage in risky online actions and spent more time online (Gorzig & Olafsson, 2013).                   


 Chris Wild predicts the future of mobile device    will possible evolve into a model similar to HAL  in 2001 a film by Kubrick. This device  interacted naturally with humans, understood  language and could devise the best way to  communicate information to people (Close-Up  Media Inc, 2012).


Personally I carry a mobile phone with me all the time, but I am not a constant user and I adhere to mobile etiquette.

What kind of social media user are you? Do you use mobile etiquette? Do you think mobile device etiquette should be taught in school, especially if we are theoretically heading down the ‘Cyborg’ road? Are you a different person in the world of cyber space?

Reference List

Case, A., 2010. Amber Case: We are all Cyborgs now. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 November 2013].

Close-Up Media Inc, 2012. World Symposium 2012 to Take a Look at the Future of Mobile Devices. Entertainment Close-Up, 9 April.

Gorzig, A. & Olafsson, K., 2013. What Makes a Bully a Cyberbully? Unravelling the Characteristics of Cyberbullies across Twenty-Five European Countries. Journal of Children and Media, 7(1), pp. Special Issue: Children, Internet and Risk Comparative Perspective.

Przybylski, A. K. & Weinstein, N., 2013. Can you connect with me now? How the presence of mobile communication technology influences face-to-face conversation quality. Journal of Social Relationships, 30(3), pp. 237-246.

Purevpn, n.d. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 30 November 2013].

Read, J., 2008. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 30 November 2013].

Thursday 21 November 2013

Test Blog

There are many reasons why people blog. My Top 10 are:
1. To Express Your Thoughts and Opinions
2. To Market or Promote Something
3. To Help People
4. To Establish Yourself as an Expert
5. To Connect with People Like You
6. To Make a Difference
7. To Stay Active or Knowledgeable in a Field or Topic
8. To Stay Connected with Friends and Family
9. To Make Money
10. To Have Fun and Be Creative
All of these reasons connect people with society and each other. In a world where we are surrounded by abundance and opportunity, there are many that are struggling and lonely. Blogs allow people to interact without leaving there homes, so they feel secure and can see another reality. While not a lot of people get rich from blogging it can be a supplement to their income, but I believe most people blog for the connectivity rather than for monetary gains.
Businesses also have departments that blog for them to interact with and keep customers informed about what is happening in their business and how this can benefit customers. Many businesses use social media to increase their databases and connect with more potential customers.

So many reasons to wishes until next time

Happy Blogging
